Simulation and Analysis Focus

Simulation and Analysis are vital skills in the engineering field. Computational tools help engineers create better prototypes, predict and analyze failure and perform complex analysis of systems. At the Sibley School, the use of simulation and analysis tools transcends simply learning to use a piece of software.  Our faculty engage in research into complex structural and fluids problems that provide a wealth of real-world problems for students to be involved with.

The Sibley School is also the home of the Swanson Laboratory for Advanced Simulation. The Swanson Lab provides computational resources, software and instruction to students doing simulation studies. Software packages include ANSYS, Autodesk Inventor, CES, COMSOL, MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS.



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There are no required courses in the MEng Program. Each student develops a Program of Study with the Director that fits their individual needs. The courses listed below are ones that provide knowledge and practice for those wishing to pursue careers in simulation or analysis.

Full descriptions of these courses can be found at the Cornell Registrars Course Description Page.


MAE 5700 Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical and Aerospace Design (4 cr.)

MAE 5730 Intermediate Dynamics (3 cr.)

MAE 5940 Professional Development for MEng in MAE (1 cr.)

NBA 5150 Leadership Theory and Practice (3 cr)

MAE 6900 MEng Project (4 cr.)


MAE 5230 Intermediate Fluid Dynamics w/ CFD (4 cr.)

MAE 5770 Engineering Vibrations (3 cr.)

MAE 5210 Dimensional Tolerancing in Mechanical Design (1 cr.)

MAE 5260 Design for Manufacture and Assembly (1 cr.)

MAE 5135 Mechanics of Composite Structures (3 cr.)

MAE 6900 MEng Project (3 cr.)

Additional Courses

Computational Combustion, Finite Element Analysis w/Applications, Data Science Numerics, Intro to Database Systems, Machine Learning Data Science, Matrix Computations, Applied Modeling in Renewable Energy, Structural Materials for Sustainable Energy, Advanced Heat Transfer, Applications of Fluid Dynamics, Applied Heat Transfer, Multiphase Flow Dynamics, Turbulence and Turbulent Flows, Advanced Composite Materials, Mechanical Prop of Thin Films, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis, Advanced Dynamics, Nonlinear Vibrations


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Our core faculty teaching in the simulation/analysis areas are:

Nikolaos BouklasNikolaos Bouklas

Assistant Professor

Bouklas Lab Website



Mahdi Esmaily MoghadamMahdi Moghadam

Assistant Professor

Esmaily Lab



Perrine PepiotPerrine Pepiot

Associate Professor

Pepiot Research Group



Olivier DesjardinsOlivier Desjardins

Associate Professor




Rajesh BhaskaranRajesh Bhaskaran

Swanson Director of Engineering Simulation

SimCafe wiki

Past Projects

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A sample of projects titles from previous years:

  • Computational modeling of coronary artery bypass graphs
  • Finite Element Analysis of Resonant Bandgap as a Function of the Geometric Properties of Periodic Lattice Systems
  • Lattice Materials Optimization
  • Polybrick 2.0 Simulation Development
  • RANS vs LES with Steady Laminar Flamelet Model for a Turbulent Diffusion Flame
  • A Numerical Investigation of the Nusselt Number
  • Analysis and Scaling of a 1N Electrolysis Thruster Nozzle to 5N
  • Cornell University Artificial Gravity
  • Finite Element Analysis of Resonant Bandgap as a Function of the Geometric Properties of Periodic Lattice Systems


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Simulation and Analysis Engineers work in almost every engineering area. Jobs titles include, systems engineer, mechanical engineer, mechanical designer, aerospace engineer, aerospace designer, modeling and simulation engineer. 

Companies past students have gone to work as Simulation/Analysis Engineers include:

  • Pratt and Whitney
  • Raytheon
  • Stryker
  • Harris
  • Cummins
  • ASML
  • Moog
  • Scaled Composites

For a more complete list of companies where students have gone, visit the Cornell Post Graduate Dashboard.