Collaborative Facilities Across Campus
The richness of Cornell’s scientific community is enhanced by the presence of interdisciplinary centers, institutes, laboratories, and programs that allow for radical collaboration across campus.
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron (CHESS)
The Materials Solutions Network at CHESS (MSN-C) provides state-of-the-art tools to characterize and improve advanced manufacturing processes and is led by Matt Miller, professor in the Sibley School.
Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR)
The Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) is an NSF-funded research center that houses manufacturing and microscopy facilities that enable macro- micro-and nano-scale characterization of materials.
Cornell Nanoscale Facility (CNF)
CNF is a world-class facility for micro and nanofabrication - with strong efforts with sensors, microfluidics, textured surfaces, etc., as well as significant efforts in support of MEMS (micromechanical systems), photonics, and novel materials.
Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
The Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability accelerates groundbreaking sustainability research - forging vital connections among researchers, students, staff, and external partners.
The Cornell – University of Bologna Institute for Vehicle Intelligence (Vĕho)
Vĕho was founded by the University of Bologna and Cornell and is a shared initiative supporting education and research collaborations between Cornell University/Cornell Tech and selected Italian stakeholders. Vĕho funding will support research initiatives and exchange programs for faculty, students, and industry leaders in the areas of automotive engineering, artificial intelligence, and science of autonomy, to advance their role in future societal impacts and civil infrastructures. Vĕho is led by Silvia Ferrari, the John Brancaccio Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI)
CESI serves as a hub for subject matter experts and multi-user facilities designed to translate energy-focused research discoveries to prototypes, and prototypes to commercial practice. The goal of CESI is to accelerate the discovery and commercialization of materials, devices, and intelligent systems designs required to lower cost, improve performance, and reduce humanity's carbon footprint.