Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

A message from the Director...

Dear Class of 2021,

I’d like to start off by congratulating you on completing one of the biggest milestones in your educational career! I know not one of you anticipated the unusual challenges of the past year when you started at Cornell – but throughout this journey you have showed us all what it means to be resilient. You have been shaped by this experience and will move forward into the world with the determination and adaptability you have developed during your time in the Sibley School. We know all of our students will go on to do incredible things. But this class, the Class of 2021, is positioned to truly change the world. I encourage you to take the skills you’ve learned here and apply them to the biggest challenges of our time.

Please stay in touch, visit often and remember that you always have a home at Cornell.

With kind regards,

David Erickson


Use #SibleySchool2021 to wish our graduates good luck, offer congratulations, or give a shout out! Posts will be featured at our virtual undergraduate graduation on Sunday.

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