"MIT Technology Review" China Science and Technology Youth Heroes List released!

By: Sina Technology - Self Media Synthesis

Zhiting Tian, assistant professor and Eugene A. Leinroth Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow (MAE), was named to MIT Technology Review's 35 Innovators Under 35 in China list.

Tian Zhiting
Zhiting Tian, assistant professor and Eugene A. Leinroth Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow (MAE)

Award category: inventor

Reasons for winning: Mainly engaged in interdisciplinary research in the field of nanoscale heat conduction and energy conversion. Related research breaks the traditional notion that polymers are only thermal insulators, laying a solid foundation for organic thermal diodes, thermal switches, and on-demand heat flow control.

For the first time, the winners discovered significant thermal rectification in asymmetric polymers, as well as thermal switching in temperature-sensitive polymers, and demonstrated high-order phase transitions for the first time to demonstrate fast thermal switching.

The award-winning research is expected to have a major impact on thermal energy conversion and thermal management in areas such as microelectronics, space and building technology, smart fabrics, smart manufacturing, and biomedical engineering.

Please see website for all information:  Sina Technology

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