Cornell Giving Day!

Today is Cornell Giving Day! In the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, we understand the enormous impact our alumni have on our programs, our students, our faculty and our future. We are a network, but more importantly, a community of engineers that are committed to innovation.

Upson Hall is filled with students learning the tools to not only contribute to the world, but make a lasting change. Our students are busy learning the fundamentals, contributing to ground-breaking research, joining world renowned project teams, and completing internships at some of the most successful companies in the world. They are motivated, collaborative and diverse - just as you are.

Alumni support is critical to improving learning experiences through modern lab equipment and the best instructional specialists. David Erickson, our new Director, brings new initiatives to the Sibley School. Robotics and Automation have long been a strength in MAE and across Cornell Engineering, particularly in the cross-fertilization between form, autonomy, and interaction. This year we will launch a new Robotics Ph.D. program and support for Ph.D. fellowships can fortify our stature in this area. We have also recently launched the Veho Institute– a collaboration with Cornell Tech and several Italian universities and automotive companies. Support for research initiatives, industrial engagement, and student fellowships will help the Center grow into a world-class facility.

There are many ways to stay connected, and investing in the college is on the of essential ways that you can become involved. Please support Cornell's Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering on Giving Day 2020!

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