Cornell Fluids Seminar: "Relaxing particle size restrictions in two-way coupled Euler-Lagrange simulations of dilute particle-laden flows"


106 Upson Hall


Relaxing particle size restrictions in two-way coupled Euler-Lagrange simulations of dilute particle-laden flows

Fabien Evrard

Institute of Process Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg


Abstract: The Euler-Lagrange (EL) approach is widely used to simulate particle-laden flows, because of its relatively low computational cost and the straightforward modelling of the flow-particle and particle-particle interactions. Classical two-way coupled EL methods, also referred to as “particle-in-cell” approaches, typically require tracked particles to be much smaller than the grid cells in which the flow equations are solved. This allows both for momentum to be stably and smoothly transferred from the Lagrangian to the Eulerian phase, and for the local flow disturbance generated by every individual particle to remain small. For the cases that require high fluid mesh refinement, however, this strongly limits the size of the particles that can be accurately tracked.


In this talk, we present an EL approach that alleviates the particle size restrictions. It relies upon the filtering of the flow equations with a particle marker function; a process in which a length-scale is chosen. We also present a model for the reconstruction of the undisturbed flow velocity at the location of the particles, based on the study of the flow through a regularised momentum source. We then show that the proposed framework allows us to accurately track particles with arbitrary particle-size/ mesh-spacing ratios in dilute flow, for a wide range of Reynolds numbers.

Bio: Fabien Evrard is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Mechanical Process Engineering of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. His research focuses on the development of numerical methods for the modelling of particle-laden and interfacial flows. Prior to working in Germany, Fabien obtained degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mathematics in France, before completing his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London.

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